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Troop 131 welcomes five Eagle Scouts

Troop 131 welcomed five young men into the rank of Eagle Scout: Mason DiGiacomo, Graham Lowell, Brian Merk, Daniel Merk and Jackson Merk (triplet brothers) who celebrated their Eagle Scout Court of Honor at Bethany Church in Lower Macungie Oct. 15.

The over 100 people in attendance were impressed with the positive character traits, increased confidence and leadership skills each Scout has gained during their Scouting years which were displayed during the ceremony.

Getting to this level in Scouting is no easy task and all of these young men have achieved the highest rank by completing a service project, attaining the required number of merit badges, staying focused and dedicated in school and completing volunteer service hours.

DiGiacomo, son of Julie and David, began his Scouting journey as a Webelos I in Pack 131 and joined Troop 131 when advancing to a Boy Scout.

His leadership positions included assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, quartermaster and senior patrol leader. He was elected to the Order of the Arrow and completed his Ordeal. His Eagle project enhanced the safety of a boardwalk at Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. The team replaced over 200 boards which improved the appearance and sturdiness of the structure many nature lovers enjoy. He is a senior at Emmaus High School and Lehigh County Career and Technical Institute. He is studying to become a certified welding inspector.

Lowell, son of Ann and Geoffrey, began his Scouting journey as a Wolf Cub in Pack 431 and joined Troop 131 when advancing to a Boy Scout.

His leadership position has always been webmaster. His Eagle project was the construction and distribution of 12 wooden (and painted) desks for elementary school children in the East Penn School district. The desks were for home use, and counselors from all of the schools in the district made matches for those in need. He is a senior at Emmaus High School and intends to go to college to study engineering.

Brian Merk, son of Lisa and William, began his Scouting journey as a Tiger Cub in Pack 43 and joined Troop 131 when advancing to a Boy Scout.

His leadership positions included assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and scribe. His Eagle Scout project entailed the construction of a staircase for the Sanctuary at Haafsville. He is a senior at Emmaus High School and will be attending Elizabethtown College majoring in either education or legal studies with a minor in German.

Daniel Merk, son of Lisa and William, began his Scouting journey as a Tiger Cub in Pack 431 and joined Troop 131 when advancing to a Boy Scout.

His leadership positions included assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, quartermaster and senior patrol leader. He was elected to the Order of the Arrow and completed his Ordeal. His Eagle project connected Reimert Memorial Bird Haven and Brenner-Penfield Mountain Preserve with a .5 mile trail for the Wildlands.

He is a senior at Emmaus High School and wants to become an officer in the Marine Corps. In order to make this happen, he has enlisted in the Marine Reserves as an infantryman, he has applied to all of the U.S. Service Academies and has applied for the NROTC-Marine option scholarship.

Jackson Merk, son of Lisa and William, began his Scouting journey as a Tiger Cub in Pack 431 and joined Troop 131 when advancing to a Boy Scout.

His leadership positions included assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader. His Eagle Scout project was the construction of a .5 mile trail for the Wildlands Conservancy on their Black Forest Preservation. He is a senior at Emmaus High School and intends on studying criminal justice and pursing a career in law enforcement as a detective.

Congratulations to the newest Eagle Scouts.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Boy Scout Troop 131's newest Eagles Scouts from left to right are: Mason DiGiacomo, Jackson Merk, Daniel Merk, Brian Merk and Graham Lowell.