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SES celebrates sports with a favorite team day

Press Photos by Rebecca Foehrkolb Students, teachers and staff donned the regalia of their favorite sports teams Oct. 13. ABOVE: Conner Goodwin, Audreyanna Santos, Ruby Moye, Logan Weaver and Danica Brobst in Emily Paramonte's class show support for their favorite sports teams.
Ronan Litzenberger, Jack Divers, Logan Stumpp, Findley Kuhns, Kehlani Gonzalez and Lily Segall in Christina Attar's class make a fashion statement about their favorite teams.
Students in Kristy Wied's class wear their team colors Oct. 13.
First grade teacher Michaeleen Reinhard, Administrative Assistant Danielle Rothrock, Instructional Assistant Rebecca Foehrkolb and first grade teacher Mary Beth Bedics show support the New York Yankees.