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Salisbury EAC meets; elects officers

Betty Thompson was elected chairperson and Tom McCabe was elected vice chairperson of the Salisbury Township Environmental Advisory Council at its first meeting in about one and one-half years.

The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners voted unanimously 5-0 to approve five EAC appointees at its Sept. 8 meeting: Ward 1: Joshua Buckalew; Ward 2: Maria Rodale; Ward 3: Thomas McCabe; Ward 4: Brian Smith and Ward 5: Betty Thompson.

The five EAC appointees attended the Oct. 19 meeting chaired by Salisbury Township Assistant Manager; Director, Community Development Sandy Nicolo. Salisbury Commissioner Heather Lipkin, board of commissioners’ liaison to the EAC, did not attend.

Maria Ocasio, Lehigh County field coordinator, Conservation Voters of PA, briefed the EAC on the organization she represents, as well about the City of Allentown Environmental Advisory Council on which she is a member.

“A future project is the plastic bag ban. That is something we are working on,” Ocasio said.

Ocasio described Allentown as a “heat island” because of the preponderance of concrete, macadam and buildings. There’s a need for more trees and green space, she said.

Nicolo, noting Salisbury Township’s tree ordinance, said, ”We planted 50 street trees through last year. We have another 50 lined up for next year.”

McCabe asked about the types of trees that are planted.

“We have a tree list,” Nicolo said.

Ocasio asked the EAC members what concerns them most about the environment.

“Recycling in our parks is a big issue for me,” Smith said.

“I have seen nothing but the degradation of our waterways,” Buckalew said.

“Trout Creek is a mess. The Lehigh River is one of the most degraded waterways in the nation,” Buckalew said.

“One thing that affects everyone is the use of chemicals and pharmaceuticals,” Rodale said.

“So much of it is in our behavior,” Rodale said.

“We need to have a social media page,” Thompson said.

Nicolo noted the mandatory pollution reduction plan, saying, “Part of that is we have at Laubach Park put in retention ponds to keep flooding from going into Trout Creek.“

EAC meetings are to be held every other month. The next EAC meeting is 7 p.m. Dec. 21 in the meeting room of the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

Nine EAC meetings were canceled in 2022 for lack of a quorum.

Eight EAC meetings were canceled May through December 2021 because of a lack of members.

The township EAC last met in April 2021.

Several members had resigned and there was an insufficient number of applicants for the EAC.

The Salisbury Township Planning Commission meets 7 p.m. Oct. 26 in the municipal building.

The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners meets 7 p.m. Oct. 27 in the municipal building.

The Salisbury Township Environmental Advisory Council, from left, front: Brian Smith, Maria Rodale, and, back: Tom McCabe, vice chairman; Betty Thompson, chairperson, and Joshua Buckalew, are photographed at the Oct. 19 meeting.
Maria Ocasio, Lehigh County field coordinator, Conservation Voters of PA, and City of Allentown Environmental Advisory Council member, addresses the Salisbury Township Environmental Advisory Council Oct. 19 meeting.