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Directors review 2023-2024 Program of Studies

The East Penn Board of School Directors was presented with a proposed 2023-2024 Program of Studies lead by Emmaus High School Principal Beth Guarriello at the Oct. 24 regular meeting.

Assisted by Supervisor of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Erin Murphy and Assistant Superintendent Laura Witman, Guarriello explained why they have proposed general preparatory level courses for English and social studies be eliminated from the 2023-2024 curricula.

They described the changes as necessary to develop a more equitable learning environment for students on a socio-economic, societal, cultural and programmatic level. Data on a similar transition away from general preparatory level courses to college preparatory courses appears to support the proposal. The benefits included higher overall test scores and student growth and proficiency, as well as a decreased number in student failures.

The educators argued students in lower track classes are discouraged from attempting college preparatory courses. Detracking promotes higher expectations for student achievement and reduces in-school segregation based on socioeconomic status, race, gender or ethnicity or disability.

When asked if students with IEPs would be left behind, it was explained there are supports in place to help most students who are struggling to catch up to their classmates.

Additional supports for students, as well as professional development for teachers and staff are included in the plan.

The board unanimously approved the new secondary math curricula for the 2023-2024 school year which had been presented at the previous meeting.

The administration and directors recognized the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Commended Students. The group of high school scholars being congratulated includes Ryan Boulrice, Lauren Kershner, Julia McDonnell, Adam Plotka, Eric Welp and Megan Wilks.

Emmaus High Student Government Association school board student representatives Maggie Machulsky and Maddie Hess reported on sports, academic and event news for the first time this school year.

In her district update, Kristen Campbell announced the district is seeking volunteers to serve on a facility improvement board to help with recommendations on addressing future building needs. Their input would be incorporated in comprehensive plan decisions.

The School Crossing Guard Agreement between Lower Macungie Township and East Penn School District for keeping crossing guards at Willow Lane Elementary School was approved unanimously. The district is to administer and maintain the program while the township agrees to provide $6,625 in funding for it until the end of December. Negotiations are ongoing for 2023.

In other personnel matters, the board accepted the resignation of Lower Macungie Middle School math teacher Colleen Hayduk, effective Dec. 16.

There were requests to address the board by four EHS student members of Students Organizing Against Racism.

Elizabeth Adesanya, Kayla Gonzalez, Brasciana Ford and Amarachi Nnodimele took turns describing their experiences with systemic racism within the district. They requested students who have been on the receiving end of bias from teachers, staff or bus drivers can be secure in knowing each situation will be handled appropriately.

A third reading and adoption was held on Threat Assessment and School Security Personnel, Trauma-Informed Approach, Weapons, Terroristic Threats, Hazing, Bullying and Cyberbullying policies.

Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit board member William Whitney reported Executive Director Dr. Elaine Eib announced her retirement, effective August 2023.

President Joshua Levinson announced an executive session was held before the public forum on personnel and confidential matters.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled Nov. 14. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. Livestreaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.