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Halloween Spooktacular Oct. 23 at Werleys Corner


Special to The Press

In the spirit of the season, the Weisenberg Lowhill Historical Society is sponsoring a Halloween Spooktacular 1-4:30 p.m. Oct. 23.

The historical society will treat children under the age of 18 to a free hot dog, chips and beverage.

Free pretzels will be distributed by New Tripoli Bank representatives.

There also will be food available for purchase.

Halloween costumes are welcome.

“I would like to see children and their parents come in Halloween garb, but no Halloween masks,” said Nancy Handwerk, point person for the event.

A number of activities are scheduled including a scavenger hunt for three different age groups, pumpkin and face painting, and a tractor decorating contest.

“People who have tractors should come with their tractors already decorated,” Handwerk explained. “The children will vote for their favorites and the winner will earn a $50 gift card from Tractor Supply.”

“I have more than six cars coming to hand out treats as part of trunk or trick.”

For the scavenger hunt, items will be hidden inside the outbuildings, Handwerk explained.

Handwerk, who is co-vice president, along with Sterling Reinert, is also a member of the planning committee, along with Helen Donmoyer, Marlene Ritter, Brian Bowers, Jim Bachman and Adisen Kistler.

“Sixteen-year-old Adisen is getting girls from school to do face painting,” she said.

“She’s a member of the historical society, as well.”

“We want to bring new people, younger people, and children to the historical society,” Handwerk said. “We want them to be aware that we’re here.”

This is the first year that the historical society is sponsoring the Spooktacular.

“We used to have a fall festival but that has to be planned months in advance and we didn’t know where the COVID numbers would be,” Handwerk explained.

The historical society has sponsored other events earlier in the year.

“We had a farmers market and artisan fair in July and in September which were well attended,” she said.

PRESS PHOTO BY ANNA GILGOFF The Weisenberg Lowhill Historical Society invites children of all ages to its first Halloween Spooktacular on Oct. 23.