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Sheckler News: Pumpkin-decorating contest starts Oct. 24

Sheckler Elementary School students are invited to submit entries for the pumpkin-decorating contest between Oct. 24 and Oct. 26. Bring your pumpkin to the front office. Each entry should be labeled with an index card containing the student’s name and homeroom number.

Students must enter the pumpkin in one of the following categories: funniest, prettiest, scariest, most colorful, most unusual, most creative, best animal theme, best classroom theme, best superhero theme and best cartoon/movie character. Judging will take place Oct. 27.


Kindergarten through fourth-grade students will be dismissed 1:30 p.m. Oct. 26.


Sheckler Elementary students will march in a Halloween parade starting 1:30 p.m. Oct. 28. Costumes should not show injury, blood or pain. There will be no weapons or fake weapons allowed during the parade march.

Class parties will follow directly afterward.

To find the route, visit Sheckler’s Facebook page.


Thank you to the borough fire departments for coming out for fire prevention day. Check Sheckler’s Facebook page to see photos.