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THE GREAT ALLENTOWN FAIR WINNING RECIPE Bechdolts Orchard Peach Dessert Sharon Kurtz, Emmaus first place

Peaches and Cream Parfait

Crumb Layer: 2 cups graham cracker crumbs

Creamy Layer:

2 cups heavy whipping cream

2 cups confectioners sugar

1/2 cup butter, softened

16 ounces cream cheese, softened

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 (0.35 ounce) packs whipped cream stabilizer

Peach Layer:

9 cups finely sliced fresh peaches

1 cup granulated sugar

3 T. fruit fresh

6 T. water

Place peaches and granulated sugar in a large mixing bowl and mix until well blended. Dissolve fruit fresh in water and add to peaches; mix until well blended. Place peaches in refrigerator until chilled.

To assemble: Wash and dry 16 eight ounce Mason jars and lids. Place 1 tablespoon graham cracker crumbs in the bottom of an 8 ounce Mason jar. Place 3 tablespoons cream filling on top of graham cracker crumbs. Place 3 tablespoons peach filling on top of cream filling. Place 1 tablespoon graham cracker crumbs on top of peach filling. Place 3 tablespoons cream filling on top of graham cracker crumbs and place 3 tablespoons peach filling on top of cream filling. Place lid on jar. Repeat with remaining Mason jars. Yields: 16 servings.