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EHS Class of 1947 celebrates 75 years

Members of the Emmaus High School Class of 1947 recently marked 75 years with a reunion Oct. 3 at the Mercantile Club in Emmaus. The members were thankful for being able to get together and enjoyed talking about the good old days at Emmaus High School. Standing, left to right, are: Robert Schoch, Betty Gehman Lichtenwalner, Ethel Kehs DeLong, Dorothy Wenner McKeever, Beanie Stephen Mabus, Elizabeth Bauer Klein, Nicholas Miklos and Louie Rizzetto; seated left to right are: Stan Degler, Esther Schantzenbach Mohr, May Lichtenwalner Keiser, Gloria Fasching Weida, Miriam Yeakel Fisher and Robert Wieand. PHOTO COURTESY OF BOB SCHOCH