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BREAKING NEWS Four top officials resign at Lowhill Twp meeting



The resignation of four top officials was reported at the Lowhill Township supervisors’ Oct. 6 meeting at the Fogelsville Fire Company.

Board Chairman Richard Hughes said the first resignation was from Treasurer/Supervisor Robb Werley.

He then read Werley’s resignation letter, which stated, “Due to unforeseen substantial increase of work related travel and client obligations, coupled with continued family needs, it has been made clear to me I no longer have the time or the availability necessary to effectively serve my position as township supervisor.

“It is with regret that I am therefore writing to inform you that I hereby resign said position effectively Oct. 7.”

Hughes told Werley he was sorry to see him go, and it was a pleasure working with him.

The second resignation Hughes read was Weisenberg Township Resolution No. 2022-11 dated Oct. 3 for township Administrator Brian Carl and signed by Weisenberg Township Supervisors’ Chairwoman Linda Gorgas, Vice Chairman Anthony C. Werley and Supervisor Richard A. Bleiler.

After Hughes stated both Weisenberg and Lowhill are townships of the second class, the resolution reads “Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Lowhill Township have appointed certain Weisenberg Township employees to serve in various administrative capacities on a yearly basis and have in return compensated the township for the services provided by township employees; and Whereas, the township employees have been performing administrative and zoning duties for Lowhill Township pursuant to these appointments; and Whereas, the workload and responsibilities of the township employees have increased over the years and it has been decided by the township that having the township employees perform the administrative and zoning duties for both the township and Lowhill Township is no longer feasible and is not in the best interest of the citizens of the township.”

Carl emailed the following comment to The Press regarding his resignation.

“Janet (Henritzy) and I are Weisenberg Township employees who get loaned out to Lowhill.

“Lowhill then pays Weisenberg a flat rate per year for our work. Our workload has been increasing steadily over the years in both townships and we are no longer able to serve Lowhill and still do our work here in Weisenberg.

“This has been a topic of conversation for the past few years and the split was inevitable. Things were just expedited a bit due to what’s happening currently in Lowhill.

“Janet and I will focus 100 percent of our time on Weisenberg matters moving forward.

“Effective immediately, Lowhill residents who require anything should contact Jill (Seymour) and she will steer them in the right direction. We are working closely with Jill during this transition.”

The third resignation was for township Solicitor Keith Strohl.

Hughes said Strohl’s resignation has to do with family issues.

“He did not want us to get into it, but he is no longer our counsel,” Hughes said.

The last resignation was for Emergency Management Coordinator Frank Bartholomew, who served both Lowhill and Weisenberg townships.

“He (Bartholomew) has decided to resign from his position at Lowhill Township,” Hughes said, before offering his comments on the four resignations.

“These are resignations from a lot of good people,” he stated. “I hope there is a lot more good people out there to take their places, because we are going to need them.

“We are in a turmoil, trust me when I tell you that.”