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District News: No school Oct. 10; teachers will have in-service day

There will be no school Oct. 10. Teachers will have a professional development day.


The Whitehall-Coplay PTO PLUS SaveAround and Kidstuff online fundraiser is still underway. The PTO is excited to offer families and friends the opportunity to purchase SaveAround/Kidstuff coupon books from its online store. It’s a great way to save money and help raise much-needed funds for Whitehall-Coplay School District students.

Each book purchased includes a 12-month savings app with thousands of additional local and national coupons. Be sure to download the app. Supporters can select from dozens of out-of-town books as well.

It’s easy to purchase and sell books in the online store. Go to sapaynow.com/00938 to view the virtual coupon books and place your orders. Select Register as a Seller in the main menu to set up your own unique link. Post, email and text your school’s link to family, friends and co-workers. They will enjoy saving money and supporting the PTO group, too! Plus, it includes free shipping.

SaveAround ships orders directly to you and your customers. To access even more coupons and savings, download the SaveAround app and enter the activation code from the cover of your purchased book. The sale ends Oct. 15.

If you have questions, contact Toni Fillman at 610-248-3020 or toniwcpto@gmail.com.


Become a substitute teacher if you have a bachelor’s degree. If you enjoy working with kids of all ages, consider contacting WCSD, which is in need of substitute teachers.

Emergency certifications are available for qualified applicants.


My School Bucks is a great and easy way for parents to pay from the cafeteria to the classroom, anytime, anywhere from their mobile phone or computer.

Visit the Whitehall-Coplay School District website, whitehallcoplay.org, and follow the link to My School Bucks to sign on.


Parents/guardians are able to utilize the PowerSchool parent portal to access student information, such as grades and attendance. Single sign-on access allows parents/guardians to have one PowerSchool parent portal account for all of your children in one place using their individual access ID and access passwords.

If you need any help with accessing this, contact your child’s school.


WCSD believes daily attendance in school is an extremely important factor in your child’s success in his or her educational experience.

If a child is absent, a written note with a specific reason and signed by the parent/guardian is required immediately upon return to school.

If a student is traveling, an educational trip form must be completed by the parent before the trip. These forms are available in the school office. Trips may never exceed seven school days or the absences are considered illegal.

WCSD is closely monitoring unexcused absences. All absences are marked unexcused. This is changed to a legally excused absence once a written excuse with specific reason is given to your child’s teacher. An unexcused absence occurs when no note is written by the parent/guardian or the reason provided is inexcusable.

If a student has four unexcused absences, a truancy elimination plan will be developed. The parent/guardian may be charged with truancy and be required to appear before the Whitehall magistrate’s office if unexcused absences continue to occur.

Also, once a student is absent for more than 16 days during the school year, a doctor’s note will be required for each additional absence, or the absence will be unexcused.


In an effort to keep parents and students more informed about Whitehall-Coplay Middle School, the school has established social media sites for the public to follow: facebook.com/wcmszephyrs, twitter.com/WCMSZephyrs and instagram.com/wcmszephyrs.

If you like to search hashtags, check out two they will be using to help people find them: #zephyrtough and #webelongatwhitehall.


Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in WCSD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTOs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “WCSD news” in the subject line at least a week before an event.