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NH-Macungie Land Development hospital approved

The Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners held its regularly scheduled meeting at the township building, 3400 Brookside Road Sept. 1.

Resolution 2022-57 was approved, which confirms the approval of the NH-Macungie Land Development which is required by the State of Wisconsin’s Public Finance Authority. This is acknowledging the approval of the project.

Ordinance 2022-01 was also approved for an amendment to Chapter 18 sewers to regulate the use of grinder pumps. The intention is to effectively regulate the installation, usage and maintenance of grinder pumps.

An executive session was held after the Aug. 22 workshop to discuss possible land acquisition.

A sewer planning module for 721 Brookside Road was approved. This project includes removal of a garage and the building of a new garage, which will include a bathroom.

The Maulfair Road project went very well even though trenches needed to be dug very deep due to pipe. The road will be added to the list for repaving.

Resolution 2022-60 was approved. This allows for a grant application for Macungie Ambulance Corps for training equipment for $15,346.

Resolution 2022-59 was approved which is for an easement from Lutron for a compost facility access road. It is a small sliver of land that is needed around the Sauerkraut Road extension. There has been no response from Lutron. This could result in filing eminent domain.