District News: WCMS sets picture day for Sept. 22
Smile! Picture day at WCMS is Sept 22. Students will bring home more information on ordering.
All students will have his or her picture taken, but purchase is optional.
Reminder: Meet the teacher and back to school nights are continuing in Whitehall-Coplay School District.
These events are a great way to become familiar with your child’s teachers and the school building. There will be a lot of helpful information about the school year.
• Whitehall High School: 6-8 p.m. Sept. 15
• Whitehall-Coplay Middle School, seventh and eighth grades: 7 p.m. Sept. 15
Beginning 10 a.m. Sept. 30, progress reports for quarter one will be sent through SwiftK12. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s school.
There is no school for students Oct. 10. Teachers will have a professional development day.
Whitehall-Coplay PTO PLUS encourages membership for everyone. It’s great to volunteer and support the schools.
The PTO can only accomplish its goals with continued support. There are multiple ways to help - providing baked goods for events throughout the year, helping to distribute fliers, putting up posters, getting information home to parents/guardians and more. Volunteer in person at events like book fairs, holiday events, picture days and more. You can also volunteer at home by sharpening pencils, preparing workbooks and more.
If you would like to volunteer at events on school property, clearances need to be obtained. There is a cost involved, and the PTO is happy to help you.
Become a PTO member by clicking on and printing the PDF brochure at whitehall-coplay-ptoplus.com/about.htm. Return your membership form, with a check or money order for $10, to the school or mail it to P.O. Box 522, Whitehall, 18052.
Membership doesn’t require volunteering.
For questions, click on Contact Us on the PTO website.
Reminder for parent/guardian pickup procedures for elementary is as follows: Student dismissal for pickup begins 3 p.m.
Parents/guardians should arrive no earlier than 2:30 p.m. and no later than 3:20 p.m.
A note must be sent to your child’s teacher each day he or she will be picked up at dismissal. Parents/guardians who intend to follow this process indefinitely should send a note saying the child is a yearly pickup and obtain a numbered car tag.
Follow the posted signs, which will guide you to the parent/guardian pickup area.
If you would like to share any upcoming school events or if you have great things that are happening in your classrooms throughout the district, email me at jamb87@hotmail.com and title it Whitehall-Coplay District News. I would be happy to spread the news for any upcoming activities.
You can also send me pictures for possible publication in The Press.
Be sure to send me your information at least two weeks before an event. Columns are completed the weekend before Wednesday press time.
Thank you, and have a fantastic school year!