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Coplay Public Library: Fundraiser hoagie orders, payment due by Sept. 17

There is still time to order American Club of Coplay hoagies and tuna or ham and cheese sandwiches. Orders and payment are due by noon Sept. 17.

Pickup is scheduled for 4-5:30 p.m. Sept. 21 at the library.


September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Libraries play a critical role in the education and development of children, sparking an interest in reading and learning and giving students the tools they need to succeed in school.

People of all ages can find opportunities to explore new interests and pursue lifelong learning through media resources and access to technology. You and your family can also borrow books, including those on CD and e-books and movies from our own library and 10 other local libraries.

If you or your child doesn’t have a library card or you haven’t had one for a while, come into the library and register for one. It only takes a form of identification and a few minutes.

The best part is that library cards are free!


The fall book sale will be 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 7 and 8.

There will be a variety of books, DVDs, CDs and more. There will also be a mark-down room, basket raffle and baked goods for sale.

We are accepting donations. We can no longer accept textbooks, Reader’s Digest condensed books, encyclopedias or VHS tapes.

If you have any questions, call the library at 610-262-7351 during open hours.


The library will be participating in Boscov’s annual Friends Helping Friends event Oct. 19. Shopping passes will be available soon at the library.


Our library participates in the Amazon Smile program.

Whenever you shop on Amazon, the program will donate 0.5% of the cost of your eligible purchases to the library. It is an easy, convenient way to contribute to the library with no added cost to you.


If you are vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask in the library.

If you are not vaccinated, continue to wear a mask for your safety and the safety of others. We also encourage maintaining social distancing to ensure safety.


Curbside service is still available for anyone who does not wish to come into the library.

To request materials or for assistance or information regarding any of the library’s services, call the library, email coplaypubliclibrary@gmail.com or check our website.


Follow us on Facebook for the latest happenings and fun facts.


The library returned to its regular hours of 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.