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East Penn schools are open and the kids are ready

PRESS PHOTOS BY BEVERLY SPRINGER Hudson Boushell is all smiles about entering the new school year at Jefferson Elementary School.
Mom Kelly Boushell and daughter Brooklynn, have come to the bus stop to see Brooklynn's brother Hudson off for his first day of the new school year.
With a confident grin, Major Smith is ready to start his new school year at Jefferson Elementary School.
Jefferson Elementary School student Kiera Chciuk and her dog Luna stop for a first day photo.
E'gypt Jackson and Aniya Rushing are all smiles about attending Jefferson Elementary School.
All ready for the new school year, Caleb Agar waits for the bus to take him to Jefferson Elementary School.
Mom Cassidy Moran and daughter Olivia Printz come to the bus stop together before Olivia leaves for Jefferson Elementary School.
Thomas Friday hugs his little sister Veda before getting on the bus which will take him to Jefferson Elementary School. Additional photos appear on Page A15. PRESS PHOTO BY BEVERLY SPRINGER
Crossing guard Chad Boushell makes sure children and other pedestrians safely cross Emmaus's Pennsylvania Avenue.
Joselyn Civitella appears ready for the new school year at Lincoln Elementary School. Her mom Laura Civitella keeps her company while she waits for her bus.