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N. Catty to advertise MS4 ordinance

North Catasauqua Borough Council discussed, at its Aug. 15 meeting, a notice received from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection requiring the borough to provide an update by the end of September on the state’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) mandates.

Council voted to approve the MS4 ordinance by the end of September and to publicly advertise it. Council members agreed the project should be completed in all the required and recommended fields and should be done at once, with no corners cut.

Also at the meeting, repeated requests for handicap parking were brought to council’s attention.

A handicap parking request for 1042 Sixth St. was denied because there was parking available at a closer distance.

In other news, Treasurer Annette Englert is working on the report to pay Barroso, the contractor hired for storm sewage work. Pennvest was used for street work, and the final paperwork is being submitted.

Additionally, $1.3 million was spent to help alleviate flooding to certain streets in flood-prone areas, such as Wyandotte and Washington streets. The project was completed this year.

In other reports, the sale of the 408 Buttonwood St. property has been completed. Money was deposited in a special project fund.

Liz Rosencranz, trail and stewardship manager, met with Delaware & Lehigh Trail representatives and requested everyone work on the department budget plan sheets for next year. The final closing of the project is coming up. The ribbon cutting is planned for the end of September, and D&L is planning to help manage production.

Secretary Tasha Jandrisovits discussed the concern regarding a school crossing guard being needed. Council President Peter Paone said he will speak with Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education member Jason Bashaw regarding this issue.

The public works supervisor report was given by Travis Brett regarding the budget for handicap signs, and the decision was made to provide easy accessibility to all in need, as opposed to a select few. There will be no individual use of handicap spots.

Fire Chief Roger Scheirer, who is also chair of the Civil Service Commission, mentioned North Catasauqua Police Department is hiring because one of its officers is relocating.

In the emergency management report, it was noted the carport project was waiting for garage doors and a fence gate, and both are on back order. The walls and fence, however, are complete.