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Last swim of the season

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. This group of regulars soaks up the last of the rays on closing day at Northampton Municipal Pool, Laubach Avenue. The pool closed Aug. 20 for the 2022 season.
Sophie Steirer is ready to start her shift as a lifeguard at the Northampton Borough Municipal Pool, Laubach Avenue, Aug. 20, the last day of the 2022 season. Steirer said she plans to study environmental science at either Penn State University, University of Pittsburgh or University of Delaware.
A swimmer leaps off the diving board at the Northampton pool on the final day.
Two kids play in the cool water.
Faye Farkas, Lydia Musselman and Arya Farkas have fun together Aug. 20.
Jordin Tumini and Joey Pinkerton grab a tasty treat - snow cones - to enjoy on the hot summer day.