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District News: School district closed Sept. 5 in observance of Labor Day

Northampton Area School District will be closed Sept. 5 for the Labor Day holiday. Classes will resume Sept. 6.

Have a safe and happy holiday with family and friends!


Parents/guardians should have received a letter this summer reminding them to go online and update their child’s information.

This will include all phone numbers, emergency contacts and numbers, email addresses, text numbers and permission for field trips and photos for the 2022-23 school year.


Reminder for Northampton Area Middle School parents: Drop-off begins 7 a.m., and homeroom begins 7:24 a.m.

Students must be in the classroom before that time to avoid being marked tardy.

NAMS thanks you for your continued support and cooperation.


Reminder for Northampton Area High School students who are late arrivals: If you are coming into the building before class starts, report to the auditorium until the bell rings.

Do not go to class and hang out in the hall until class starts.


Meet the teacher nights for elementary schools will be next week. This is a great opportunity for parents/guardians to become familiar with their child’s teacher and the building. Attending will be helpful, and information about the school year will be shared.

Moore Elementary School’s event is set for 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 7.

The George Wolf, Lehigh and Borough elementary schools’ events are 6-8 p.m. Sept. 8.


The Borough Schools PTA group will meet 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 7.


There will be an open house at NAHS Sept. 15.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend to become familiar with your child’s school and teachers.


Grab your NAHS football T-shirts before it’s too late! A portion of the sales helps the Class of 2023.

Visit NASD’s website, nasdschools.org, and follow the NAHS link to order.


Check out the fall 2022 community education program being offered.

Registration is now open for yoga, which will be held 7-8 p.m. Sept. 14, 21 and 28 and Oct. 5 in the multipurpose room at Siegfried Elementary School, instructed by Beth Sweetana.

The cost of the whole class is $30, with a $10 drop-in fee. Bring a yoga mat or towel and water to class.

All levels are welcome. Participants do not need to be an NASD resident to participate.

Register at nasdschools.org/commed or contact Sandy Bischof at bischofs@nasdschools.org.


Have you downloaded the new NASD app? The app will allow parents to access documents, events, news updates and emergency notifications. Download the app on Android at bit.ly/2TZZEzm or on iPhone at apple.co/3k9Y5tB.


Visit NASD’s website regularly for updates and special announcements. There are many helpful forms and important links for both students and parents.


If you would like to share any upcoming school events or have great things happening in your classrooms throughout the district, email me at jamb87@hotmail.com and title it Northampton District News. I would be happy to spread the news for any upcoming activities. You can also send me photos for possible publication in The Press.

Be sure to send me your information at least two weeks before an event. Columns are completed the weekend before Wednesday press time.

Thank you, and have a fantastic school year!