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Taking care of his town

On a recent warm and casual summer day, Catasauqua Borough teen Tristan Hodson was out cruising on his scooter and taking in the sights of his neighborhood when he noticed scraps of garbage scattered in the street.

A sense of responsibility washed over him as the 16-year-old wondered if this litter would remain there untouched. He decided at that moment to take matters into his own hands and began to pick up the mess.

Tristan said he also decided on that day to carry trash bags with him for future use and soon found himself in a selfless routine of frequent neighborhood cleanups that carried on throughout the summer.

On July 20, Catasauqua Mayor Barbara Schlegel happened to get a glimpse of Tristan in action on Railroad and Race streets.

Schlegel’s husband, Gene, was outside and also saw Tristan picking up litter and adding it to an already stuffed garbage bag. Together, the couple approached him and commended him on his ability to give back without receiving anything in return.

Schlegel said she also spotted several neighbors bringing the young man a drink while working and told him that not many people are seen cleaning up litter around town.

Tristan said he loves the outdoors and can be caught exploring from 8 a.m. until the streetlights come on. He started the cleanup because he loves the environment and was tired of seeing the litter accumulate.

When Tristan takes a break from giving back, he can be seen riding his BMX bike or can be found at the park.

His parents, Paige and Phil Hodson, said they were happily surprised by all of this and also very proud of their son.

Simple acts of kindness often spark a train of change to those who witness the selfless acts performed, especially when it comes from a teenager picking up litter on a hot summer day. Tristan is a lesson to all that small decisions can touch many, and we should think twice before walking past scattered litter.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Catasauqua Borough resident Tristan Hodson and Mayor Barbara Schlegel get together for a photo July 20 while Tristan cleans up his neighborhood streets. The 16-year-old said he loves to be outdoors and dislikes seeing trash on streets, so he takes it upon himself to clean up.