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Travelers Protective Association hosts annual picnic

The Travelers Protective Association hosted its annual picnic Aug. 14 at the North Catasauqua Park on Grove Street. The group has been holding its annual gathering “for many years,” noted Patricia Palencar, secretary of the local TPA organization, Post L Lehigh Valley.

The gathering included food, refreshments and a large raffle. There was a recognition of a soon to be 90-year-old member and recognition of members who celebrated their 50th anniversary serving the TPA.

Friendship, fellowship and goodwill were present in abundance at the picnic. There was a genuine sense of togetherness among attendees.

“Our organization has led the charge for societal changes that protect the health, safety and well-being of children,” Palencar said.

Visit tpahq.org for more information about the TPA and how to join.

Diane Schwartz, the TPA Post L Lehigh Valley Community chairperson, an uptempo person, was busy helping with picnic coordination.

Thomas Hendricks and Charles Schiffert received their 50 years of service pins awarded to them by TPA Post L Lehigh Valley President Donald Schwartz. Also receiving a 50-year pin after the ceremony was Donald Breininger.

There was a 90th birthday celebration at the picnic which included an attractive birthday cake and a joyous singing by members present to Dale Stevens.

One raffle winner received a prize first developed in China during the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 CE). The “money tree” embodies wishes for eternal prosperity in the afterlife. The TPA winner of the money tree plans to use it during his current life.

Another raffle prize winner was the First Vice-President of the PA State TPA, Emma Hettler who won a bottle of wine. She was delighted by the prize and expressed the importance of the TPA’s work helping children and appreciation of the members present.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. Charles Schiffert, TPA Post L President Donald Schwartz and Thomas Hendricks stand for a photo. Schiffert and Hendricks celebrated 50 years of membership in TPA.
Dale Stevens celebrates his upcoming 90th birthday at the TPA picnic Aug. 14.
PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Patricia Palencar receives the 2021 Merit Award from the national TPA.