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Northampton starts Hometown Heroes program

In his mayor’s report, Northampton Mayor Anthony Pristash told members of borough council Aug. 18 he is already receiving requests from residents to purchase banners honoring their loved ones who served in the U.S. military.

The banners are part of the Hometown Heroes program, and the goal is to place them on poles along the borough’s streets.

Pristash noted he is also receiving requests to expand the program to include first responders, such as police personnel and firefighters. He said that is a possibility in the future.

Contact the borough office, 610-262-2576, for more information about the Hometown Heroes program.

Pristash also reported he attended an Eagle Scout Court of Honor recently at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 19th Street and Lincoln Avenue. Brayden Erker was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout.

“There is no more Made in America than an Eagle Scout,” Pristash said.

Several residents, during the hearing of persons present portion of the meeting, expressed disappointment that an access location onto the trail adjacent to McKeever Lane was not installed. Efforts to address the situation reportedly failed because a resident near the trail objected to having the public walking on private property to access the trail.

Northampton Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst said the borough is addressing the matter to return the trail to its original condition that precludes an access point residents present requested.

One resident suggested the borough purchase the small land plot in question. It was explained that the property owner has the property rights.

In her junior council member report, Ryleigh Tillotson said she is working on the Canal Street Park butterfly way station project with the Biology Club at the high school.

Councilman Ron Glassic asked Brobst for an update on the effort to livestream council meetings. Brobst said there was no update, but the effort is being worked on.

Councilman Anthony Lopsonzski Sr. floated the idea that the borough firefighters consider holding an annual water-spraying event like the one recently held when the municipal pool was closed due to a weekend staff shortage.

Judy Haldeman, council member, discussed swimming pool concerns. Although the perception is the pool had another successful season, Haldeman noted when she was at the pool recently, she received “an earful” of grumbles from adults at the pool. She pointed out that the paint at the pool is chipping.

Haldeman also noted pool receipts in 2022 are less than 2021. Brobst clarified the statement, saying it may be because the borough pool was one of just a few pools open in 2021, which increased pool attendance.

Brobst said the pool is scheduled for a sand blasting and repainting before the upcoming 2023 swimming pool season. He also offered accolades to Andrew Laub, the 2022 pool manager, who Brobst said did an excellent job running the pool.

Later in the meeting, council approved the hiring of Laub as a laborer with the borough’s public works department. His employment start date is Aug. 29.

Council granted St. John the Baptist Church, Stiles, use of the borough’s portable band trailer for its annual picnic Sept. 4. The rental fee was waived.

Two no-parking signs located on East 18th Street near Northampton Avenue will be removed, by council action, as the signs have been determined to no longer be needed.

Northampton Area Chamber of Commerce requested and received council permission to use the borough’s portable band trailer and the borough’s portable restroom unit for its 33rd annual Uptown Northampton Street Fair Sept. 10.

Northampton Area School District requested and received council permission to use the municipal pool parking lot for the upcoming 2022-23 school year. The use would be from Aug. 23 through June 2, 2023.

NASD has requested help with crossing guard posts. The request was relayed to police Chief Bryan Kadingo to learn if any police officers would be interested in assisting the school district.

Council voted to allow Northampton Fire Department to participate in the annual Pen Argyl Fireman’s Parade Sept. 5.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is 7 p.m. (note the earlier start time) Sept. 1 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave. It is an in-person-only meeting.