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Former school superintendent remembered

The East Penn Board of School Directors observed a moment of silence for former superintendent Dr. Alrita Morgan at the Aug. 22 regular meeting. She recently died at age 77. Morgan served from 1992 until retiring in 2007.

“We all recall Dr. Morgan’s passion for education,” School Superintendent Kristen Campbell said. She said Morgan was an avid traveler and became a strong supporter of the arts during retirement. The former administrator created jewelry at her Monrovia, Calif. studio.

The board voted unanimously to adopt the state revenues resolution.

As discussed at the previous meeting, with state revenues exceeding previous projections, the directors authorized the administration to transfer $1,807,457 of additional basic education funding from the general fund to the capital reserve fund for future capital improvement projects.

Additional special education funding in the amount of $323,927 is to be utilized to comply with the extended enrollment option authorized under Act 55 of 2022.

As part of that process, the administration is to include the additional funding when developing the 2023-2024 budget with an eye to lessen the tax burden to residents.

Due to legal constraints, the already approved upcoming school year budget cannot be reopened to reconsider the 3% real estate tax increase that went into effect July 1.

During her district update, Campbell announced there were 160 new East Penn District team members, along with 75 employees returning “to kick off the new school year.”

The first day of school is Aug. 29 and Student Transportation of America has already sent out bus assignments. Campbell mentioned federal subsidies have ended for free lunches for all. Families in need will have to reapply for access to free or low-cost meals for their school children.

In personnel matters, the directors agreed to Lincoln Elementary School/Jefferson Elementary School Psychologist Lori Rose’s resignation, effective in October.

Joseph Galuska was approved for the new position of technology specialist in the technology office effective in October.

Other new hires for the technology office include Michael Billman as technology director and Alexander Schrader as technology specialist, effective Oct. 29.

Approved new educators include Wesley Kline as a technology education teacher for Lower Macungie Middle School, effective Oct. 11; Allison Haas as a math teacher for Lower Macungie Middle School, effective Aug. 22; elementary school teacher Jade Gery for Macungie Elementary School, effective Aug. 18; David Weikel as an elementary teacher and Victoria Torres as school counselor at Willow Lane Elementary School, effective in October.

Brooke Davis was hired as a certified school nurse for Jefferson Elementary School/Lincoln Elementary School, effective Aug. 22.

Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit board member and school board Director Dr. William Whitney reported on the unit’s health and safety plan and shared a few program success stories.

Director Alisa Bowman asked Assistant Superintendent Douglas Povilaitis about potential “legal jeopardy” during discussion of updates to student discipline policies. The policies include Student Expressional Distribution and Posting Materials; Controlled Substances and Paraphernalia; Electronic Devices and Nonschool Organizations, Groups and Individuals. Bowman cited recent reports where the Pennridge School District has faced problems with its policies.

There were three requests to address the board from Emmaus residents.

Mary Ellen Jackson shared recent research she discovered on adverse childhood experiences and how they affect adulthood. She read from an Adverse Childhood Experiences Study chart and thanked the board for having implemented some of the suggestions listed to mitigate problems.

Troy Wildasin commented on the recently-passed district code of conduct and suggested adding gender-neutral restrooms for use by trans students.

Also commenting on the code of conduct was Eileen Maguire who expressed concerns over privacy protections. She was of the opinion the parents and guardians of transgender students should be notified.

After the meeting, the superintendent verified a parent of a student is notified about any issues with their child. The student’s privacy is protected from the parents of other pupils.

School board President Joshua Levinson announced an executive session was held before the public forum 6:45 p.m. on personnel matters.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled Sept. 12. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. Livestreaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.