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Emmaus Garden Club presents scholarship to EHS graduate

Danica Schueck, of Macungie, was the recipient of a $1,500 scholarship award from the Emmaus Garden Club at a club luncheon held Aug. 2 at Faith Presbyterian Church, N. Second St., in Emmaus.

Schueck will attend Penn State University majoring in plant and agricultural science, with career plans to be a farming botanist.

Schueck said she has always been drawn to nature, specifically to botanicals.

For her, planting and gardening is a form of comfort and an escape from the industrial world, she said.

Schueck has been a Faith Church youth group leader and a member of the Emmaus High School Chorale. She writes her own music and has been involved in theater productions.

She is the daughter of Alex and Nevin Schueck, of Macungie.

Becky Short, far right, president of the Emmaus Garden Club, presents a $1,500 college scholarship award to Danica Schueck, of Macungie, at a club luncheon held Aug. 2 at Faith Presbyterian Church, Emmaus. Standing with Schueck are her parents, Alex and Nevin. Press Photo by Jim Marsh