Published August 10. 2022 09:41AM
During its Aug. 8 meeting, Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners heard updates on the pool and township building.
Cementon Pool was closed unexpectedly during the summer season, leaving Parkview Pool in Hokendauqua the only open pool in the township. Jefferson Pool in Fullerton was not open this summer.
The skimmers in the Cementon Pool are dated, it was mentioned. Tony Cocca, interim bureau chief of recreation, said he is currently waiting on the cost for an outside company to examine the pool’s walls and floor for potential leaks.
An update was also given on the new township building.
There are a few odds and ends to be taken care of, with the bathroom wallpaper and audio/visual equipment being the only major projects. Installation of the A/V equipment is tentatively scheduled for the end of August. If all goes well, meetings can be held there in September.
Commissioners approved a resolution amending the certificate of occupancy inspection fee schedule.
Lee Rackus, bureau chief of planning, development and zoning, said the changes are being made to reflect Keycode’s increased pricing. Rackus anticipates outsourcing more inspections in the coming months and wants to have a flat rate across the board.
In other business, the board approved the land development at 2813 Lehigh St.
Commissioners will hold a special public meeting, planned for 7 p.m. Aug. 24, regarding the Adams Outdoor Advertising curative amendment hearing.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for 7 p.m. Sept. 5.