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Fire hydrant concerns raised

During the Aug. 1 Macungie Borough Council meeting, traffic conditions at the truck parking lot project were discussed. Another engineering firm is working with Barry Isett & Associates. Several proposals for directing truck traffic were submitted. No decision was made at this time.

It was noted during the meeting there are numerous sidewalks on Church Street not constructed properly or are in need of repair or upgrading. The borough has discussed the issue and sidewalks must be up to standards or the borough will do it for the resident charging them for the service. This is necessary as Church Street will be under major repair. They said curbing is very important when reconstructing a street.

Further discussion over sidewalks in other neighborhoods arose. Council members discussed if Church Street residents are subject to sidewalk work. This topic will be tabled for now.

A resident expressed concern over fire hydrants. Several residents observed a fire burning for 45 minutes before water was put on it.

Fire hydrant checks are the Lehigh County Authority’s responsibility. Residents pay to the Lehigh County Authority through their water bill. It was suggested residents attend the Lehigh County Authority meeting 7 p.m. Aug. 11. The borough continues to gather information about this problem.

Concern continues over Streetscape issues such as the sidewalks and the bump outs. Sidewalks are cracking due to drainage issues.

The bump outs have planting issues with some plants dying or not maintained. The height of plantings have been of concern due to sight issues which is a requirement from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The height of the plantings should be no more than 24 inches but some are 36 inches. There are several groups involved with the bump outs including public works, volunteers and residents.

There was discussion on the length of the council meetings. It was said sometimes a topic is presented without background information and some issues are presented and discussed with no apparent resolution.