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Matthew Mumma is new Alburtis fiscal consultant

Alburtis Borough Council met July 13 without public comment or a mayor’s report.

Police Chief Tony Alsleben was not in attendance to give a police report. There was no discussion by council.

The meeting minutes of June 29 and the current bills for payment were approved. The bill list totaled $7,648.89.

There were no questions during the treasurer’s report and it was quickly approved. The Macungie Ambulance Report showed 15 calls to the Borough of Alburtis.

The borough engineer’s report highlighted 13 projects underway. Of note, streetlights need to be installed at the Fields at Lockridge. There were some concerns from councilman John Alcscezyk about watching expenses, though the expenses over budget will be covered by American Rescue Plan Act Funds.

Michael Preston, an engineer from Ott Consulting, was in attendance to discuss a project. He discussed the Franklin Street Multimodal Grant. The project is being overseen by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Ott Consulting is preparing a design plan and permitting package for the improvements within the PennDOT right of way and along Church Street. However, there are certain specifications on road sight distance, so council needed to decide whether to remove three parking spaces along Franklin Street. Council approved this plan so work can be done on Franklin Street.

Next, Resolution No. 2207-7 was approved, appointing Matthew Mumma as the borough’s fiscal consultant. Following this, another multimodal grant application was discussed for more road work to be done. However, a specific area was not decided. Council decided to approve moving forward, with expectations of the chosen road work in the next week or so. An update should occur at the next council meeting.

The update on the new playground near the Alburtis upper ball field showed the project was still in the beginning stages.

The last item was from Borough Manager Sharon Trexler. She said the borough will get 25 military banners.

The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting will be held 7 p.m. July 27 at 260 Franklin St., Alburtis.