Renovation plan presented for Emmaus Community Pool
Emmaus Borough Council met July 18 for their only meeting of the month.
In personal appeals, Dalton Link and Rebecca Strauss of the Shade Tree Commission came to request volunteers for the commission. They are looking for any arborists or tree experts who could help in the Emmaus area. If interested, contact the borough or search for the commission online. They also wanted to possibly amend the ordinance regarding the Shade Tree Commission to better help people get involved with the commission.
In a community minute, Concerts in the Park and Tunes in the Triangle are still going on consistently throughout the summer. You can find the schedule on the borough website calendar. Additionally, the Emmaus Police Department Family Fun Night/Open House will take place 6-8 p.m. Aug. 2 at the Emmaus Police Station.
There was a special presentation from Brent Boyer from Aquatic Facility Design Inc. to discuss the Emmaus Community Swimming Pool Study. A physical survey of the facility was completed while it was operating and closed. The pool was drained and the concrete tested. This was all to assess what the pool had and what possible upgrades were needed. It was discovered several features needing to be updated for Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design compliancy.
Upgrades included added amenities, entry areas to the wading pool and a family dressing room in the bathhouse. To upgrade the pool design to standards, the renovations are expected to cost $1.25 million. To upgrade the wading pool, it would cost $550,000. A splash pad upgrade would cost $450,000. The bathhouse renovations would cost $425,000. The upgrades to the concession stands were around $150,000. Total cost estimates eventually settled at $2.35 million.
The surveyors noted the borough could probably get by with little to no changes for the next three to five years. They said the infrastructure was sound, but these updates would be needed in due time. This survey was originally intended to test the conditions of the pool and get a concept for the future. There was no action made regarding the plan. However, it was advised the bathhouse roof needs to be replaced as soon as possible and additional drains are needed.
Following this, the June meeting minutes were approved.
There were nine items in communications, many of them event requests.
First, The Friends of the 1803 House requested a Passport to History event to be held 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 23 and 24.
Next, came the request from the Fifth Street Cross to hold it’s FSX event. This is labeled as “Pennsylvania’s Premier Weeknight Cyclocross and Cross-Country Training Race.” The first event will start 6:30 p.m. Sept. 1.
The Emmaus Lioness Club requested to hold a scarf shower. The event will take place at Triangle Park.
A request came in from the Jehovah’s Witnesses to set up a tent, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday through Sunday, July to October at the Emmaus Triangle. This was sent to parks and recreation committee for discussion. Council is worried about constant solicitation. It was noted they didn’t need to make the application, as they have the right to go out already.
Lastly, St. Ann Church requested to hold its annual Fall Fest event. This will take place Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 8, 9 and 10. They advertise as a festival full of food, music, games and more.
All events were acknowledged by the council.
After the event requests, a resignation was announced from three different borough groups. The Shade Tree Commission, the Joint Environmental Advisory Council and the Emmaus Ambulance Corps. They will be looking to fill vacancies.
In unfinished business, Ordinance 1230 was approved by the council. This updated the wording of a stormwater management ordinance. This will not change anything for the borough residents.
In the mayoral report, Lee Ann Gilbert announced Proclamation 2022–542 for Founder’s Day, recognized on July 30.
In Public Works, it was announced a new full-time position was filled.
In Health, Sanitation and Codes, Ordinance 1230 was recognized, as well as the approval of Resolution 2022-29. This resolution approved a plan of financing for a project for Phoebe-Devitt Homes, Phoebe Berks Health Care Center, Phoebe Home, Phoebe Services and Phoebe Richland Health Care Center. Next, a one-year contract extension with Whitetail Disposal was approved.
In parks and recreation, Alison Spagnoletti was appointed to the recreation and entertainment commission with a term ending June 7, 2025.
In public safety, Sgt. Adam Polster and Sgt. Adam Knoblauch had reached the conclusion of their one-year probationary period and were promoted to full status.
A consulting hydrologist was approved for hire in general administration. This is to help with future planning. Next, a new council chambers change order was approved by the council. This will provide small upgrades.
In budget and finance, a new server purchase for the police department was approved. Additionally, a sewer camera truck purchase was approved.
During community relations, planning and development, Lehigh University Small Business Development requested the use of Emmaus Borough Hall once or twice a month.
This group is going to be dedicated to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs throughout the borough of Emmaus. Information is still developing on this. Next, Spagnoletti and Alison Fox were appointed to the open seats of the Emmaus Arts Commission.
The borough manager’s report solely consisted of lifeguard hires for the community pool. Following, an executive session was announced in president’s business and the meeting concluded.
The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will be held 7 p.m. Aug. 15. Meetings are still temporarily located at 139 N. Fourth St. at St. John’s UCC.