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Parkland student named Coca-Cola scholarship winner



Parkland High School Class of 2022 graduate Alexander Forgosh of North Whitehall is one of 150 recipients of the prestigious 2022 Coca-Cola scholarship.

He will receive $20,000 over his four years in college, according to his mother, Margee.

Alex will attend the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering in Los Angeles, Calif., in the fall.

His mom said the first step in Alex receiving the Coca-Cola scholarship was filling out the application with his grades, extracurricular activities and letters of recommendation.

“They used this application to select 1,600 semifinalists from more than 68,000 applications,” she said. “The semifinalists were asked to submit six essays on their academic and personal interests, as well as their contributions to their communities.”

She said only 250 applicants were selected to move on to the final round where they sat for an interview with a panel of Coca-Cola Foundation board members and former scholarship winners.

“Finally, Alex was notified he was one of the 150 exceptional students, change-makers in their communities, to be awarded the honor,” Margee Forgosh stated, adding she doesn’t know what specific attributes elevated her son’s application over so many gifted students.

Alex discussed his feelings on winning the scholarship.

“So, humbling,” he said. “At first, I was sincerely shocked and beyond grateful to be chosen.

“As I became more deeply tied to the scholar community, I came to realize just how remarkably impactful my fellow scholars have been.

“To be counted among these brilliant leaders and researchers is a sincere honor, and my fellow scholars serve as (slightly intimidating) motivators for me to push the limits of my capabilities.”

Alex’s father, Ari, said Alex was a Lehigh University High School scholar during the spring semester of his senior year at Parkland.

“Alex is president of the Liberty Region for BBYO (formerly B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Inc.),” Ari Forgosh said. “This is an area that ranges from upstate New York through Delaware and includes 30 chapters and 800 members.”

Ari Forgosh said BBYO is an international, teen led, youth group with a mission to provide meaningful experiences to Jewish teens.

BBYO was founded nearly 100 years ago and has chapters in 60 countries with nearly 70,000 current members.

According to Margee Forgosh, Alex has held regional and international positions in StandWithUs, and was an FBLA National finalist.

“StandWithUs has a mission to use education and meaningful dialogue to combat anti-Semitism on high school and college campuses. As a StandWithUs intern, Alex learned to facilitate sometimes difficult conversations by focusing on commonalities and facts,” Ari Forgosh stated.

“Alex was named to the distinguished principal’s list every marking period through high school,” Margee Forgosh said. “He has been honored by USA Lacrosse as both an Academic All-American, and an Impact Athlete for his scholastic, athletic, and leadership achievements.

“Alex is president of the Latin Club, co-founder/editor of The International Outlook Journal, and a member of multiple honor societies.”

Margee Forgosh added Alex is also a volunteer firefighter with Tri-Clover Volunteer Fire Company.

“More than that, Alex has done all these things with an eye toward helping others,” she commented. ”He’s a good guy trying to make the most of every opportunity he has.”