Catty discusses borough manager search
Catasauqua Borough Council held a special meeting July 5 to discuss the hiring of a consultant to begin searching for a new borough manager.
Current borough Manager Stephen Travers resigned from the position last month. He departs the role in early September.
Catasauqua Borough Treasurer Sandra Gyescek also resigned from her position as treasurer. She reportedly vacates the position Aug. 31. It was reported the borough has received seven treasurer applicants to date.
Councilman David Bernini made a motion for council to engage the Meyner Center in conducting a position search.
The Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Center, for the study of state and local government, is located on the Lafayette College campus in Easton. It provides a variety of services for local governments, such as position searches. Meyner’s services were employed to complete the search that resulted in Travers being recommended for hire by Catasauqua about four years ago.
The consultant costs could reach $7,000. This stimulated a discussion among council.
Councilwoman Jill Smerdon balked at the potential expenditure. She suggested the borough take up to three weeks to advertise for a borough manager to see how many applicants emerge.
It was pointed out that if there is too much of a delay, the borough might be without a manager for a period of time.
Smerdon defended her position, citing a number of items and costs the borough will incur over the coming year - such as street improvements and maintaining fluoride in the water - that she feels is unclear if the borough can afford. Some of her statements were disputed by Bernini.
Vice President Howard Cunningham, who ran the meeting in President Brian Bartholomew’s absence, suggested an addition to the motion be made to include the Meyner Center and any other resources in the search for a replacement borough manager. The motion passed 4-1, with Smerdon voting against the motion.
Councilman Paul Cmil was also absent from the meeting.
Cunningham reported a text message from Bartholomew indicated that he, Bartholomew and Smerdon will comprise an ad hoc committee to assist in the borough manager selection process.
Council then moved to an executive session to discuss the upcoming Catasauqua Police Department contract and potential litigation involving the former Iron Works project plan.
Originally, July 5 was set to be the council workshop meeting, which was canceled at an earlier meeting. It was suggested council cancel all workshop meetings and limit the length of time for public input at meetings.
The next council meeting is 7 p.m. July 25 at the municipal complex, 90 Bridge St. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit for the call-in numbers and access codes to view virtually.