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American Legion holds annual bike blessing

Catasauqua American Legion Post 215 held its annual Blessing of the Bikes event June 12 at the Post, 330 Second St.

Veterans get together for a nonsecular blessing that supports all faiths. It is a ceremony that supports asking for the world to keep drivers safe. This is an American Legion event that takes place across the country.

The Rev. Hal Wakefield led the ceremonies for this year’s Blessing of the Bikes procession. Wakefield is a veteran who lives in Catasauqua. He served in the U.S. Air Force, was part of Strategic Air Command and became part of the inspector general’s staff.

He pastored in Maine, where he met the religious needs of rural residents.

“There is a lot of space between those churches, and some of the congregations were less than 20 members. But each congregation had the Bible to follow,” he said.

In his remarks, Wakefield asked every rider to maintain a safe motorcycle and keep those who ride respectful of the others on the road.

The Rev. John Kostyal also participated in the ceremony.

Each rider received a personal blessing to start the summer season.

The event also featured a breakfast for the participants.

PRESS PHOTO BY PAUL CMIL The Rev. Hal Wakefield and the Rev. John Kostyal pray for safe summer driving for American Legion riders during the Catasauqua American Legion Post 215 annual Blessing of the Bikes event, held June 12.