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People say

By Dana Grubb

How do you feel about people who don’t obey the law when they use fireworks?

“We have an opportunity to realize that we take for granted the real reason fireworks were first used when we gained our independence, and that some things can be left in the past.” Scott Beltz Pen Argyl
“Anything that causes a potential fire hazard in this age of climate change needs to be regulated and used responsibly.” Jason Cohen Portland, OR
“Leave fireworks up to the professionals who put on great shows. Don't risk scaring your neighbors and their dogs.” Susan Shepard Portland, OR
“I wish they would become increasingly aware of the hazards of fireworks.” Alfred Roth Akron, OH
“I don't like it at all and the law is very specific.” Ross Zimmerman Bethlehem
“It should be illegal.” Andrea Slahta Bethlehem