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Hot dog contest has no losers

May 24 was a great day to kick off the summer for Tyber Medical when it hosted its second annual hot dog eating contest. Nine employees were contestants trying to win the title.

Joe Frasca came out as the winner by eating 9 1/2 hot dogs. There were no losers because everyone received an amazon gift card depending on how many hot dogs they ate.

Out of 270 hots dogs that were made, only 14 were left over.

Why a hot dog erating contest?

“We love a bit of silly fun at Tyber Medical and this was so fun the first year we decided to make it annual,” said Toby Borcoman, chair of culture at Tyber. “Our company culture is work hard, play hard mindset while enjoying the daily milestones as a company.”

Tyber Medical is a Bethlehem Commerce Way-based orthopedic device manufacturer.

Tyber Medical’s second location based in Bonita Springs, Fla., also had its hot dog contest the same day.

Contestants and hots dogs consumed:

Dominic Bellucci – 6

Ian Mace – 5 ½

Joe Frasca – 9 ½

Abe Perryman – 8 ½

Jacob Flexer – 7 ½

Nick DeLuca – 7

Tristan Nguyen – 6

John Pinpin - 7

Ayden Wilson - 5.

PRESS PHOTO BY RUTH GRADY The contestants are off to a good start.
Hot dog counters stand behind Tristan Nguyen, John Pinpin and Ayden Wilson.
Dominic Bellucci indicates he has eaten four hot dogs
Abe Perryman concentrates on getting his hot dog down
Joe Frasco (the winner) chomps down on one of the 9 1/2 hot dogs he consumed
Ian Mace gets ready to eat another hot dog.
Mike DeLuca prays for the hot dog to go down.
John Pinpin contemplates eating the last bite.
Ayden Wilson seems to be doing okay.
Jacob Flexer is halfway through his count.