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Fiscal consultant appointed

Alburtis Borough Council met June 29 and discussed the cost of the project on Thomas Street. Borough Manager Sharon Trexler said she will be able to find the funds if anything goes slightly over budget.

In administration, the first item on the agenda was an interview for the borough’s fiscal consultant position. There was only one applicant, Matthew Mumma, who has lived in the borough for several years. He has over 20 years in business experience and works with cash flow consistently with clients. He was approved and hired.

Executive Director Chris Greb, Macungie Ambulance Corps, was in attendance for the. He is traveling to all five boroughs and townships the ambulance corps supports and asking for a donation toward a new ambulance. They replace a vehicle every other year.

A new ambulance cost is estimated around $200,000. The call volume stemming from Alburtis is around 3 percent. The amount requested was $6,000. They will only need this money by next year. The funds would come from The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 fund. There is around $80,000 left in the account.

Council decided to hold their decision until the borough receives their second and final installment of ARPA funds. A motion was approved to discuss this at the next council meeting.

The Spring Creek Road bridge inspection report was next on the agenda. Council President Ron DeIaco said after looking at the report, it was shown the bridge was in terrible condition and needs to be replaced. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will be responsible for fixing the bridge. However, a timetable on how long this will take can’t even be estimated.

Next, DeIaco discussed the meeting with Lower Macungie Township on a gravity fed sewer system. Alburtis has an “injector station” that covers about a third of the homes in the borough, which pumps the flow out of town to the pump station. However, a lot of the pumps are being backed up and so they are looking for a different solution. He said they are waiting for Lower Macungie to get back to them with numbers.

The last item was correspondence from Upper Milford on a draft zoning ordinance amendment. They are updating their zoning ordinance to create a Coordinated Zoning Along Municipal Borders Development Option Overlay District that will go on a portion of an existing industrial zoning district.

Following this, costs of the sewage work was examined, as the project requires an extra $2,075. DeIaco said this was needed for work immediately. The council approved the extra costs.

The meeting was then adjourned. The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting will be held 7 p.m. July 13. The meetings are held at 260 Franklin St., Alburtis.