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Book vending machine at SES in honor of former principal

Recently, the Salisbury Elementary School PTO held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a book vending machine. The machine was purchased with money from a grant received by the estate of former Harry S Truman Elementary School Principal Barbara Samide. LEFT: Members of Barbara Samide's family attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony, including Grace, Kevin, daughter Laura and Lilian Tang, Jamelle and son Edward Samide. Additional photos appear on Page A2. PRESS PHOTO BY REBECCA FOEHKOLB
Former Harry S Truman Elementary School teacher and friend Cathy Rae travels from Arizona to say a few words about Barbara Samide and her love for reading.
Barbara Samide's daughter Laura Tang cuts the ribbon on the book vending machine at Salisbury Elementary School.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Salisbury Elementary School Principal Zach Brem helps Barbara Samide's granddaughters choose the first books from the vending machine recently.