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GRACEDALE UPDATE: As of May 31, there are zero cases of COVID-19 among Gracedale residents. Two staff members recently tested positive and are in quarantine.

Visits from family and friends are allowed in common areas or outside in the gardens, but access to the units is limited. Visitors are requested to wear surgical masks while in the facility; employees must wear N-95 masks.

Currently, 96% of residents have been vaccinated with 91% also having received a booster shot; 100% of healthcare workers are vaccinated and 22% have received at least one booster. Gracedale continues to offer clinics with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

COUNTY PRISON UPDATE: As of June 1, there are two cases of COVID-19 among inmates and one among staff at Northampton County Prison (NCP).

Since the start of the pandemic, 441 inmates have tested positive; 439 have finished their quarantine periods or are no longer at NCP.

There are currently 605 inmates in residence at NCP.