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Allen/East Allen townships: Historical society to host tours June 18

Governor Wolf Historical Society is offering free tours 1-3 p.m. June 18 of the campus buildings, 6600 Jacksonville Road, East Allen Township.

Included in the guided tours are the 1785 Wolf Academy, 1795 Ralston-McKeen House, 1867 Monocacy School, the herb and pleasure garden and newly redesigned museum.

George Wolf, who became the seventh governor of Pennsylvania in 1829, received his education at the academy.


Lappawinzo Fish and Game Association, 25 Lappawinzo Road, Allen Township, will hold an all-you-can-eat breakfast 8-11 a.m. June 19.

There is a cost.

The public is invited.


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1335 Old Carriage Road, Kreidersville, will hold Vacation Bible School 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 20-24.

Preschoolers to those in sixth grade can participate. Adults are also invited to stay for the program.

The theme is “Jonah and the Whale.”

A light dinner will precede VBS, which includes a story, crafts and music each night.

To register, call the office at 610-262-9517.


East Allen Township will hold its food truck and farmers market event 3:30-6:30 p.m. Fridays at Bicentennial Park West, just off Colony Drive.

Interested farmers and market and food truck vendors should contact Chuck Frantz at 610-262-7961, ext. 305, or recreation@eatwp.org.

There is a fee to participate, and proof of insurance is required.


The seventh annual Northampton Area School District Student Council car show will be 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 30 at Bicentennial Park West, 5351 Park West Lane, East Allen Township. The event will feature cars, trucks, motorcycles and antique tractors.

The rain date is planned for July 31.

Registration will be held 9 a.m.-noon. Dash plaques will be given to the first preregistered vehicles. Awards - 30 in all - will be presented 4 p.m.

The event will also include door prizes, a tricky tray, food, a deejay and a craft and flea market.

All proceeds benefit NASD Student Council.

For registration information and other details, call 610-440-2213 or 610-704-9021.


Is your community or church group planning an event you’d like to let the public know about? Email me at tklutter@ptd.net.