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Board reviews bus cameras presentation to stop illegal passings

The Salisbury Township School Board held a work session meeting June 1 to discuss engaging the services of BusPatrol to utilize Stop-Arm cameras on buses, review final pricing on softball dugouts, review technology applications and the district’s comprehensive plan as well as forming a finance committee to focus on the financial needs of the district.

During the operations committee portion of the meeting, a presentation was given by Matt Anderson, a representative from BusPatrol which utilizes an AI-Enabled Stop-Arm Camera to reduce the number of illegal passings of school buses.

The AI technology captures all the illegal passings and channels the violator information directly to law enforcement. Citations are sent out and the funds generated from violations are then used to pay for the service. The company even generates funds by splitting proceeds 60/40 with the district. Internal cameras and GPS systems can also be used on the buses to assist the district in maintaining safety on the bus as well.

Members of the board raised questions pertaining to background checks for BusPatrol reviewers who check videos for violations, liability for damage to cameras and benefits of installing internal cameras and GPS systems for administrative use.

In other news, Director of Facilities Bill Bracket provided an update on the installation of the softball dugouts. He reported dugouts, fencing and necessary site work would cost $100,000 which is significantly lower than his initial estimate of $140,000. The board approved moving forward with the next step in the process.

Superintendent Lynn Fuini-Hetten advised the board to begin thinking about possible revisions to the Health and Safety Plan for the coming school year. Following guidance from the state it may be necessary to return to some pre-COVID-19 practices regarding distancing and masking.

Administrators from each of the district’s schools presented the board with their updated student handbooks during the curriculum and technology portion of the meeting. While most changes were minor, the high school has made some significant changes with regard to disciplinary actions, use of electronic devices during school, dress codes and vaping/smoking.

At this time, Fuini-Hetten made the board aware of the significant increase in vaping violations in school and how the high school has been working to educate students about the health risks. Training for administrators in the middle and high school will be conducted in coordination with the police department in an effort to deter the use of these devices in the coming school year.

Kelly Pauling, assistant superintendent, presented the board with an overview of all the technology resources used in the district. As she outlined the technology applications used, she told the board she wanted them to know how technology is paid for, how it is used in the classroom and why it is needed.

Many of the contracts are funded by federal grants but when cost is incurred, every effort is made to get the best pricing.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires each school district in Pennsylvania to submit a comprehensive plan. Pauling presented a draft of the district’s comprehensive plan which includes areas of required progress in special education, academic standards and assessments, gifted, induction and professional development. Priority areas were established and action plans developed to meet student needs.

After community feedback, staff and stakeholder discussions, a revised version of the plan will be presented to the board in July or August.

The board discussed forming a finance committee with the intention of exploring financial resources in an effort to meet the future financial needs of the district. As is the custom with all work session and school board meetings, finance committee meetings will be advertised and recorded for public review.

The next school board meeting is scheduled to meet 7:30 p.m. June 15 at the administration building, 1140 Salisbury Road.