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Year’s loose ends tied up

As we near the end of the 2021-22 school year, the BASD regular meeting May 23 covered and closed an assortment of projects.

The board recognized the contributions of the student school board representatives and their alternates. Liberty HS senior Star Stauffer and her alternate junior Jessica Esch and Freedom HS senior Emma Lazo and alternate junior Jasnelly Florian. Esch and Florian will be the next senior representatives during the 2022-23 school year.

Liberty HS will have a final celebration for the 100th year anniversary June 4 and 5 at the school. The class of 2022 is the 100th class to graduate from Liberty.

The board unanimously 9/0 approved all financial transfers and bills that were reviewed at the finance committee meeting to be paid during this period. The board also approved a preliminary 2022-23 budget that will be reviewed for 30 days and then presented again and a final vote will be taken.

The board unanimously approved 9/0 the lease agreement with the Fountain Hill Community Grocery Partnership to build and operate a food pantry at Fountain Hill elementary school. This project started in the summer of 2021 as a partnership between Catherdral Church of the Nativity and the Fountain Hill elementary school. The lease is for five years with the lessee paying no annual rental fee but will be responsible for all construction and renovations to the site for this new purpose.

The board unanimously approved 9/0 that the District and Foundation have a new agreement where the district agrees to pay the foundation $50,000 annually to assist BASD with donor development and alumni relations. BASD has employed the executive director/development coordinator since July 1, 2019 . The position had been full-time with partial reimbursement from the foundation, which now desires to employ the executive director directly.

Other action by the Board of School Directors was to approve ambulance services with the city at varsity football games and any other activities within the city limits for the 2022-23 school year at a rate of $138.54 per hour. This rate has increased from $95 per hour as in the prior contract.

The board unanimously approved an increase in after care childcare tuition. After almost nine years at the same rates and after careful review of competing child care programs, proposed increases will keep BASD child care near the average of competitors. Information is attached outlining the changes to the fee schedule. This program takes place in 12 of the elementary schools and incorporate before school, after school or both childcare.

A blended rate is necessary to account for additional staff needed to meet the child to staff ratio requirements for children attending both before and after school. The Combined Center days are necessary for school closings and unforeseen circumstances.

The board approved and accepted the resignations and nominations for instructional and non-instructional roles in the school district. In addition, 14 teachers and 17 support staff have retired. A retirement breakfast will be held June 10th for all retirees.

The board approved the following: support for Dr. Damary Bonilla, Brian Snyder, Dr. Michael Baird, Michael Galler and Christina Grape-Garvey who are seeking election for the upcoming term on the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 Board of School Directors through June 30, 2025.

Also, the BASD approved R. Charles Stehly, Randy Galiotto and John Dally, Jr. to the Northampton Community College Board of Trustees beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2028.

The next and final regular board meeting of the year is scheduled for 7 p.m. June 27 at 7 p.m. at East Hills MS.