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SMS celebrates the year with a tropical dance

Friends Jacob Watson and Jayden Figeroa are dressed in their best tropical attire.
PRESS PHOTOS BY By MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Back row: Reagan Ehrie, Katya Hunter, Sara Nicholas, Adrienne Kipp, Tessa Kemmerer; middle row: Kale Leayman, Leah Fatzinger and Lydia Fogel take time out from the dance for a group photo. Dylan Jarjous is pictured in the front row.
Sarah Beckage and Jordan Tocci have a photo taken at the tropical-themed dance.
Skyla Kuhn and Zayvan Mendez smile for a photo at the Salisbury Middle School Dance May 20.
Arianna Hamilton and Yomar Santiago-Morales attend the Salisbury Middle School dance.
Skyla Kuhn stands with School Resource Officer Jason Laky at the Salisbury Middle School dance May 20.