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Emmaus Rotary Club holds 4-Way Speech Contest

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS In March, the Emmaus Rotary 4-Way Speech Contest took place at Willow Lane Elementary School with contestants Emma Dela Cruz and Connor Iyengar. The Rotary's 4-Way Test was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor. The purpose of the speech is to persuade others while applying the principles of the Rotary 4-Way Test which is: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? The winner of the competition was Emma Dela Cruz. She moved forward to represent the Emmaus Rotary Club in the North Region Speech Contest held in April at Willow Lane Elementary School. Rotarians Anthony Moyer, Sue Straeter, Karen Hobson, Bob Hollinger, Diane Graham and Mike Waddell assisted with the competition. ABOVE: Connor Iyengar and Emma Dela Cruz compete in the Emmaus Rotary Club's 4-Way Speech Contest.
The North Region Rotary Speech Contest was held at Willow Lane Elementary School in April. ABOVE: Contestants Emma Dela Cruz, Emmaus High School, Mackenzie Laub, Whitehall High School and Sydney Bennett, Allentown Central Catholic High School, all compete successfully and demonstrate their public speaking talents. Rose Galleano-Phillips, Erin Murphy, Cindy Hornaman, Kate Kieres and Samantha Drennan served as judges for the competition.