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PHOTOGRAPHY Club offers student membership

The Lehigh Valley Photography Club is offering discount for high school, vocational and college students who want to learn more about photography.

Students may join with their first year free, using a discount code.

Recent speakers included internationally acclaimed photographers Vincent Versace and Joe McNally as well as Kristi Odom, a member of the International League of Conservation Photographers and a Nikon Ambassador.

In addition to the main speakers, there are sub groups, called interest groups, on topics such as commercial photography, lightroom software, Capture One, Photoshop, agricultural photography, underwater photography and film photography.

Members can also take advantage of sponsor discounts by such companies as Dan’s Camera City, Skylum software, Lensbaby, Think Tank Photo and more.

Meetings have been via Zoom at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month, enabling new members from further distances to join.

As meetings open up again, the club will switch to a hybrid meeting style so that distant members can stay connected.

For questions about the club or to get the student code, contact Gary Heller at marmel735@yahoo.com.