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Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to host town hall for older veterans May 18


Virtual town hall May 18

The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs will host the second in a five-part series of virtual Veteran Town Halls 5-6:30 p.m. May 18.

The town hall will focus on serving older veterans.

Robert Torres, secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Aging; Brig. Gen. (PA) Maureen Weigl, DMVA deputy adjutant general for Veterans Affairs and Travis Davis, DMVA executive director for long-term care will lead the program.

Discussion topics will include DMVA veterans homes, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s Caregiver Support Program, senior centers, accessing nutritional programs and recognizing abuse/neglect/exploitation of the elderly.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters live during the program through the chat feature.

“We are looking forward to helping older veterans safely navigate the next phase of their lives,” Weigl said. “We all age, but veterans often face unique health and social challenges based on their service and sacrifice to our nation. This forum will give veterans the information they need to care for their health, protect their financial resources and live a quality life for years to come.”

“It is important that older veterans know there are many services and programs that can benefit them, especially since we owe them a debt of gratitude and support for their invaluable service to our country,” Torres said. “That is why I am pleased that the Department of Aging is working closely with DMVA to raise the awareness of available services and supports for older veterans. I encourage all older veterans to reach out to DMVA, our department or their local Area Agency on Aging to learn about different programs and how these programs may be able to meet some of their needs.”

The town hall series provides Pennsylvania’s veterans with a convenient platform to learn and ask questions about programs and services earned through their military service.

The following are the dates, times and topics for the three remaining 2022 Virtual Veteran Town Hall events:

•July 13 - Resources for Homeless Veterans

•Sept. 14 - Transportation Issues Facing Veterans

•Nov. 2 - Honoring Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice

All events are scheduled 5-6:30 p.m.

For more information, visit the DMVA online at www.dmva.pa.gov.