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Parkland Garden club to host honey presentation on May 9

The Parkland Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting May 9 at Jordan Lutheran Church, 5103 Snowdrift Road, Orefield.

Doors will open 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and socializing.

The program will start 7 p.m.

The program “Honeybees and Honey” will be presented by Kayla Fusselman.

She is a beekeeper from Kempton and works for Penn State Extension.

She will cover the life of honeybees, how they make honey and why they are so important.

There will also be a honey tasting experience.

This program was originally going to be presented in March but had to be rescheduled for this month.

In addition to the program, Parkland Garden Club has two winners in the Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl poster contest.

The two students who won and the three others who participated in the contest will be recognized at the May meeting.

Guests are welcome to attend.

For more information, contact Helen at 610-417-4128.