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LIBERTY HS NEWS - Celebrating the arts, seniors By Ryan Aburto

The school year may be winding down but the energy at Liberty HS certainly isn’t. Between almost weekly musical performances, the end of the spring sports season and one last night to remember our seniors, there is no time left to slow down.

From March 24 to 26, Liberty held its spring musical. Marking the directorial debut of choral director Julie Wydrynski, “The Sound of Music” is also the last time that several seniors will take the stage as a member of the LHS Theater Company.

Speaking with Rebekah “Bex” Vermuelen, who played the lead role of Maria, everyone involved in the production “truly enjoyed the atmosphere that was created with theater” and “really put their all into this specific show.”

Two weeks later on April 8 and 9, the famous Liberty HS Grenadier Band put on its first full-length concert since 2019. The performance honors the past by bringing back retired band directors Ronald Sherry, Gregory McGill and Kevin Long, but also looked to the future with the inclusion of more modern pieces of music that incorporate synthesizers, bucket drumming and more irregular tempo changes.

The annual Evening of the Arts on April 22 doubled as an art show and a choir concert. Starting at 5:30, parents and students alike were allowed to walk through the second-floor art gallery and view the various displays of students in photography, ceramics, studio art, and more.

Prior to the official start of the concert at 7, select members of the Liberty chorus performed solos or duets for patrons waiting to buy tickets or find their seats. The pre-concert entertainment ended with a number by “Sound of Music” leads Bex Vermuelen and Drew Rehrig.

On March 25, senior Shayaan Farhad was awarded a full, four-year scholarship to attend Moravian University. Farhad was recognized by Bethlehem Area School District Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy for his outstanding academic performance and resilience to hardship throughout his life.

Farhad is a captain of the LHS boys tennis team, which emerged as the champions of the 2022 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Tennis Tournament. Will Lotto, Jiaming Wang, Chris Gianaras and Jacksen Jobes walked away with gold medals for their performance in the doubles tournament, with Siddhardh “Sid” Tekumalla and Gavin Evans Gartley earning silver medals in the same category.

The end of the year also brings the end of the year exams, and the first up are Advanced Placement (AP) exams, which began May 2 with AP Government and Economics and AP Chemistry. Students who earn high enough marks on the exams have the opportunity to earn college credit or at least test out of introductory courses in college.

AP courses are weighted grades like honors classes and have even more rigorous coursework. A select few (AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Calculus) can even take up three marking periods of a student’s schedule, half of a semester more than regular academic courses.

After all end of the necessary testing is over, juniors and seniors can enjoy a night of formality with the LHS Prom, which will be held at the ArtsQuest Center at the Steel Stacks this year May 20.

To offset the relatively high cost and make it more accessible to students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, Student Government President Fallon Ingram has launched a campaign to lower the cost or completely cover the entire price of a prom ticket.

Upon reaching out to local businesses for corporate sponsorship, Ingram hopes to cover “20-25 whole tickets and refund more.”

As the school year slowly comes to a close, it is important to look back at how far the students of Liberty have come and how much more they can be in the future.

Press photo credit Aileigh Mulligan Liberty sophomore Leo Babbin in the heat of an intense practice with his tennis teammates.