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Heidelberg Church to hold handbell festival celebration May 1

Bells will be ringing! Heidelberg Union Church’s Handbell Festival celebration will be held 10 a.m. May 1.

All are welcome to come and enjoy a worship service filled with magnificent music by the Heidelberg Handbell Choir.

Following this special service, a hot dog lunch will take place in fellowship hall.

Funds raised from the lunch will be donated to Forgotten Felines and Fidos animal shelter.

The children from Heidelberg Church’s confirmation class and Sunday School class will be helping out.

To assist in the kitchen with the hot dog lunch or for further information, contact Colleen Andrews at 610-442-6433.


More to explore! Heidelberg Association of Retired Persons, better known as H.A.R.P., will travel to the Yuengling Brewery, Pottsville, May 3.

Those interested in going along on this fun and historical tour of America’s oldest brewery should meet 10 a.m. at Heidelberg Church to car pool.

The brewery tour requires completely closed shoes. Sneakers are recommended.

Tours last about one hour.

Valid ID will be required if you wish to sample after the tour.

There is no charge for the tours.

This facility is not handicap accessible.

The tour requires a lot of walking and has stairs throughout the building.

Following the tour, this great group of retirees will visit the gift shop and enjoy a light lunch at a local restaurant.

Remember, you do not have to be a Heidelberg Church member to attend.

Any area retiree wanting to participate, should call Eleanor Klevenhagen at 610-841-9803.


Well worth it! Heidelberg Church member Denise Snyder wishes to thank everyone who came out to help pack the Easter food baskets on Good Friday.

“Your help was greatly appreciated,” Snyder said.

“I would also like to thank the Heidelberg congregation for the non-perishable food items as well as the monetary donations to this project.”

A special thank you to Heidel Hollow Farms for providing the eggs and yams, Clemens Food Group for donating the hams, Smoky Wessner for supplying the potatoes and Linda Hausamann for picking up bread and dessert items.

Due to everyone’s generosity, the church was able to provide food baskets for 11 families in need this Easter.


Just a thought! When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. It may take a second to say, but for them it could last a lifetime.