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School board approves proposed budget

At the April 25 Whitehall-Coplay School Board meeting, the board approved the adoption of the proposed final 2022-23 general fund budget of the Whitehall-Coplay School District in the total amount of $89,948,371.

The budget includes an increase of 7.57 percent from the earlier year. The proposed final budget, as prepared, balances revenues with projected expenditures, utilizing fund balance, at a tax rate of 20.1711 mills, an increase of 3.22 percent.

According to WCSD Superintendent Dr. Robert Steckel, the actual tax increase for this current school year was under the Act 1 Index for the first time in several years. Steckel added the initial draft of the proposed final budget was able to be reduced, with the projected tax increase going from 3.86 percent to 3.22 percent.

“Mr. (Michael) Malay presented an initial draft of a proposed final budget, and the draft that was reviewed April 11 provided for total expenditures of $92,393,511 - again, an increase in expenditures, some supply chain issues, some federal funding concerns, money that was budgeted to be expended in this school year having to be shifted into next year because of supply chain issues. Fortunately, the revenue with that from the federal government does follow along,” Steckel said.

“The Act 1 Index for this school year - this coming school year - is 4.6 percent, and that’s the adjusted Act 1 Index. We are not seeking exceptions. We do not intend to go over the 4.6-percent adjusted Act 1 Index,” Steckel added.

Malay is the WCSD business manager.

Upon adoption, this proposed final budget will be advertised and publicly displayed in accordance with the Pennsylvania School Code and Act 1 of 2006, which will permit for its final adoption no later than June 30.

In other news, Steckel acknowledged Director of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Barbara Chomik’s retirement.

“Dr. Chomik has served the district as a teacher, assistant principal, principal and central office administrator. Her contributions to the Whitehall-Coplay community are immeasurable, and she will be greatly missed,” Steckel said.

Also at the meeting, PTO PLUS President Toni Fillman reported the PTO fundraisers went well, and they have raised enough to cover the costs of Children’s Day.

In other business, the board approved the appointment of Fox Rothschild LLP as the WCSD solicitor, from July 1 through June 30, 2023, based upon a retainer of $19,500 per year, a base hourly rate of $190, alternate rates in accordance with the engagement letter and rates as established by the insurance carrier where Fox Rothschild LLP is an approved provider.

The board approved the HIPAA Business Associate Agreement between WCSD and Fox Rothschild LLP as the result of Fox Rothschild LLP handling cases that involve protected health information on behalf of WCSD.

The board approved a field trip request for seventh-grade social studies students to visit the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology May 19, at the cost of $10 per student.

The board approved the purchase of 445 algebra I textbooks for Whitehall-Coplay Middle School and Whitehall High School students, from Savvas Publishing, at the cost of $166 per student edition with eight-year digital courseware, at a total cost of $73,870, funded by the curriculum budget.

Also approved was the purchase of 275 algebra II textbooks for WHS students, from Savvas Publishing, at $166 per student edition with eight-year digital courseware, at a total cost of $45,650, funded by the curriculum budget.

The board approved the purchase of 250 biology textbooks for WHS students, from Savvas Publishing, at $164 per student edition with eight-year digital courseware, at a total cost of $41,000, funded by the curriculum budget.

Also approved was the purchase of 65 “Practice of Statistics,” sixth edition for WHS AP students, from Bedford, Freeman and Worth, at $195.96 per student edition with six-year digital courseware for AP Statistics, at a total cost of $12,737.40, funded by the Ready to Learn grant.

The board also approved Spanish 3 and German 3 honors-level courses for the 2022-23 school year to reflect the rigor and expectations that are currently present in the course.

Also at the meeting, the board approved the lease extension of Gockley Elementary modulars.

Approved resignations include Laura Dickert, attendance secretary at WCMS, effective April 15, and Josanah Martinez, paraprofessional at WHS, effective April 29.

Approved retirements include Chomik, director of curriculum and instruction, effective Aug. 31, and Robert Brewster, business teacher at WHS, effective Dec. 31.

New appointments include Michael Lewis, full-time, second-shift maintenance custodian with the percentage rate as indicated in the support staff contract, effective April 11; Denyse Edwards, part-time reading paraprofessional at Zephyr Elementary School, at a rate of $18.85 per hour, effective April 25; Sharon Gumhold, transferring to the family and consumer science position at WCMS, for the 2022-23 school year; Sandy Rex, temporary, part-time grant manager, at a rate of $75 per hour, effective April 8-June 30; Jeffrey Bauder, supervisor of transportation, at a salary of $76,500, effective July 1; Dana Abboud, substitute teacher, effective April 25, at a rate of $120 per day; Kerri Ann Fonzone, substitute paraprofessional and substitute secretary, at a rate of $13 per hour; Janelle Rennolds, substitute paraprofessional, at a rate of $13 per hour; and Kyle Hillegas, temporary professional.

The board approved teacher induction program participants Nicole Huie, mentor to Jada Whiteman, at $325; and Justin Tice, mentor to Kyle Hillegas, at $325.

Also at the meeting, the board granted tenure to WCMS teacher Julie Pittas.

The next school board meeting will be 7 p.m. June 13.

Special school board meetings will be 4 p.m. May 9 and June 13, with committee meetings on finance/personnel, education/student activities and operations transportation immediately following.