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Fire pit ordinance remains hot topic

At Catasauqua Borough Council’s April 25 meeting, during the hearing of persons present agenda item, a resident asked council to help solve the problem with a neighbor’s fire pit. The resident maintains the fire pit violates a borough ordinance.

He added he feels his complaints are being ignored.

The resident said he has been approaching council, has attended public safety committee meetings and went to workshop meetings - without satisfaction for two years. His contention is the fire pits are too close to structures, a violation of the borough’s fire pit ordinance.

Catasauqua Police Chief Douglas Kish reminded the resident the code enforcement officer told the resident at a public safety committee meeting that he checked the fire pit at the property in question. The code enforcement officer determined the fire pit is in compliance with the ordinance.

The resident disputed this, saying in addition to being too close to structures, the fire pits have no screens to control the fire. He implored council to send someone to check the distances.

Council President Brian Bartholomew asked Manager Stephen Travers to arrange for two borough staff to check into the issues and finally determine the fire pit compliance status.

Another resident approached council asking about a traffic study to address speeding cars on Pine Street. The resident said cars are speeding up the hill from Front Street, past Third Street.

Kish noted there are software issues with the traffic monitoring device, adding there is a plan to upgrade the software.

The resident said it seems easy to control the speeding on Pine Street by having a police presence. Kish further explained the borough cannot assign a police officer to sit at any intersection 24 hours a day.

The resident also added there are people living under the Pine Street bridge. It was suggested if the resident sees people living under the bridge, he should call the police.

In his recreation committee report, Councilman Gene Schlegel said the committee is waiting for Coplay Borough Council to decide if it will allow Catasauqua residents to use the Coplay swimming pool. The Catasauqua pool is closed for 2022.

Gene Schlegel also noted the shade tree commission is planning an Arbor Day celebration 10 a.m. April 30 at the municipal complex, 90 Bridge St.

In other news, Ordinance 1413 to amend the employee pension plan was passed unanimously.

Resolution 2022-4 involves the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program giving the borough the ability to combine two grants into one for the Iron Works project. The two grants total $1.75 million in grant funding. The resolution passed unanimously.

A copy of any ordinance or resolution is available from the borough’s office.

In his manager’s report, Travers said the new public works supervisor started working for the borough.

Travers noted there are two openings on the five-person zoning hearing board. Currently, there are three members on the board. In the hearing of persons present, held at the end of the meeting, Vincent Smith, former council member and former council president, volunteered to take an open position on the zoning hearing board.

Travers also reported there is a low-income household assistance grant funding available for Catasauqua residents. The grant-funded program and how to apply will be posted on the borough’s website.

The next borough council meeting is 7 p.m. May 2 at the municipal complex, 90 Bridge St. The meeting is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit catasauqua.org for the call-in number and access codes to participate virtually.