Coplay: Saengerbund event is May 1
Coplay Saengerbund, 205 S. Fifth St., is presenting a Maifest (May Dance) 3-6 p.m. May 1.
The dance is a German celebration of spring and includes dancing around a maypole.
Additionally, the committee is planning its Oktoberfest event for September. Stay tuned for more information.
Coplay’s Parkway Pool needs a person or organization to operate the concession stand at the pool.
Coplay yard waste pickup began April 22.
Grass will no longer be picked up. There is a drop-off location at 1 Bridge St. Drop-off hours are 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Street sweeping in the borough is scheduled for May 19 and 20.
All vehicles must be removed from the streets on sweeping days.
Watch for the no-parking signs on your street on sweeping days.
Coplay Public Library needs a board member, workers and a library director.
Call Janice at 610-509-7452 for details.
Coplay Eatery, 1214 Chestnut St., is seeking servers, a dishwasher, a cook and a host.
Apply in person at the restaurant.
Coplay Self Storage, South Fifth and Hokendauqua street, is open.
To rent storage space, contact Gene Dieter 610-440-2233.
St. Peter Roman Catholic Church, 4 S. Fifth St., is seeking volunteers to make pierogies.
Contact the church at 610-262-2417 to join the team.
The church is also in need of volunteers for the summer picnic, held the first Sunday in August.
Coplay Food Bank is open 8:30-10 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. The food bank is located in the lower level of the municipal building, 98 S. Fourth St.
If unable to attend the Tuesday-morning time frame, call Jodi at 610-262-0928 to make other arrangements.
Coplay Athletic Club is under new management and is seeking new and renewal members.
The gym is located on the second floor of the municipal building.
A gym membership costs $90 per year and $80 for renewals.
Email for membership information.
Coplay American Legion Post 426 has a special mailbox in front of the Post, 134 S. Second St.
Old, worn-out flags can be deposited into the mailbox for proper disposal.
To join the Coplay Legion, call 610-262-7556.
If you catch a feral or stray cat, call the Sanctuary at Haafsville at 484-894-3401.
A fee is charged.
The Coplay Senior Citizens group meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
Contact Dale at 610-262-5464 for information.
Electronics recycling and other items can be dropped off at DCR Technologies, 205 Main St., Northampton.
Drop-offs are by appointment only. Call 610-502-0854 to make arrangements.
Visit for a list of accepted items and the associated costs.
To have an announcement or to share something in this column, email or text 610-751-2745.