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Charter Arts Dance Quilt

Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts - Dance Department presents the Dance Quilt annual concert directed by Kimberly Maniscalco.The faculty-choreographed work is performed by students and faculty at the school, 321 E. Third St.

The shows, the culmination of a year-long rehearsal and performance course, are at 7 p.m. April 29 and 30. There is a matinee performance at 2 p.m. April 30. For information and tickets, visit www.CharterArts.org

BASD Youth Suicide Prevention event

There will be a suicide prevention presentation from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. May 3 in the Liberty HS auditorium, 1115 Linden St. There is a meet and greet with Emma Benoit, who was paralyzed after a suicide attempt at age 16. “My Ascension,” a film about her journey to walk again and of two others who did not survive suicide attempts, begins at 6 p.m. It will be followed by a dialogue featuring Benoit, filmmaker Greg Dicharry and local mental health advocates and students.

Register for this free event by visiting https://myascensionlehigh.eventbrite.com or call 610-882-2102.

BASD Pre-K news

The Bethlehem Area School District Pre-K classrooms in Calypso, Donegan, Fountain Hill and Marvine ES are fully funded through the Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts grant. State certified teachers instruct students from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on school days following the BASD calendar for 2022-23. Students must be four years old as of Oct. 1, 2022. Free breakfast and lunch are provided each school day. Efforts are made to place students in the Pre-K classroom that is closest to their home, but this does not always occur. The district does not provide transportation.

Families must meet specific income guidelines based on family size and income. The total annual family income must be less than 300 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. There are other specific criteria. Space is limited; not all applicants will be accepted for enrollment into this program.

For more information and to apply for the program, call Mrs. Jacquelyn Pomales, Pre-K secretary, at 610-865-0012, ext. 16818. Pre-Kindergarten Office: Marvine Family Community Center, Marvine ES, 1425 Livingston St.

Celtic Cultural Alliance scholarships

The Celtic Cultural Alliance is awarding several scholarships to students under the age of 18 who are pursuing the study of Irish or Scottish Highland Dance; Celtic music through the bagpipe, fiddle or harp; or Celtic art or literature.

There is one high school student volunteer scholarship also. This award will be given to a high school student who volunteered at Celtic Classic Highland Games and Festival for at least one Celtic Classic festival (Sept. 23 through 25) for at least 12 hours.

The scholarships are for funding future classes, instruments or other costs related to pursuing a Celtic art form. Application deadline is June 15, 2022. To sign up for volunteer hours, and for scholarship, volunteering opportunities and general information, visit www.celticfest.org or email info@celticfest.org

Fair scholarship applications due

The Great Allentown Fair Foundation, Inc. is now accepting applications from high school seniors interested in pursuing college-level education in the upcoming 2022-23 term.

Students are encouraged to apply for the scholarships and submit their completed applications before 5 p.m. July 8, 2022. Information, including application and submittal process, are posted at AllentownFairFoundation.org/scholarships

For information about the Great Allentown Fair Foundation or to donate, visit AllentownFairFoundation.org.