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Programs available to Salisbury students to ensure success

During the curriculum and technology portion of the April 6 Salisbury Township School District workshop meeting, each principal outlined the many programs available to students of all ages to ensure academic success.

Salisbury High School is offering a summer freshman academy called The Falcon Experience to help students with the transition to high school. Necessary skills such as using technology, study and organizational skills and expectations of high school students are some of the topics covered. Extended School Year will also be offered this summer and there are currently 48 students who qualify for the program.

SHS Principal Heather Morningstar and Assistant Principal Ryan Yurchick presented a detailed report on the progress of Act 158 - Pathways to Graduation for the Class of 2023. The pair explained how graduation requirements are achieved and what support systems are in place for students at risk. It has become apparent through the data mental health is an area students are struggling with which is linked to the pandemic. Mental health issues greatly affect student learning and the high school utilizes many different programs to get students the help they need to succeed.

Salisbury Elementary School Principal Zachary Brem and Assistant Superintendent Kelly Pauling informed the board of the many activities and programs in the works including an upcoming social/emotional learning night, an expanded summer program, a STEAM camp and an instrumental music program for fourth grade students.

Salisbury Middle School will offer a transition camp called SOAR for rising fifth grade students to help them transition to middle school. Lehigh Career and Technical Institute camp will also be offered this summer.