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Jacob’s Church holds Easter egg hunt for kids

On April 9, even though it was a rainy day, there were smiles on the inside at the Easter egg hunt at Jacobs Church, 8373 Kings Highway, Lynn Township.

Sixty children, ages infants to sixth grade, participated in the first in person egg hunt in two years.

“We were pleased with the turnout,” Faye Foulk, activity center director at Jacobs Church said. “No matter what the weather was like, it was a wonderful event.”

Lillian Bernhard is happy with her harvest of Easter eggs she collected at the Easter egg hunt April 9 at Jacobs Church, 8373 Kings Highway, Lynn Township.
PRESS PHOTOS BY BERNADETTE SUKLEY Aaliyah Sacks from Jacobs Little Lambs PreSchool listens as Pastor Tad Schlegel gives the Easter Message and directions for the Easter egg hunt.
Andrew and Greyson Foulk wait for the Easter egg hunt to begin.